Everyone was born with creativity.
You just have to find it again.
Everyone can draw letters.
You can do that, too.

Kick off your creativity and create the most beautiful hand lettering, even if you’ve never tried it before!

In this hand lettering workshop I show some easy hands-on techniques, step by step, so that everyone can join.

The workshop lasts 2 hours and can be held in both Danish and English. I provide all materials. All participants go home with the most beautiful hand lettering card, which they have created themselves.
I also hand out a printed guide so that the students can subsequently work on hand lettering themselves.

I ran this workshop on January 27, 2024.

(In Danish, as the participants wished.)

Participants say:

It was great to set time aside for doing something creative and being able to free my mind because I was guided to do so and had all the material on the table. I also liked the cosy and friendly environment.

I was surprised at how much I could do myself, and how good our cards looked in the end. I didn’t think we could do that much and that nice of a results in the time we had. I also was surprised at how much I enjoyed and it gave me peace.



Det var en glæde at kaste sig ud i en håndlettering-process. Og jeg var vildt glad, da jeg tog hjem med mit fantastiske kort i hånden.

Det mest overraskende for mig var opdagelsen af, hvor skønt det er at arbejde med skrifttyper, former, farver og komposition, og ikke mindst med akvarelblyanter.

Min største indvending inden jeg tilmeldte mig var at jeg nok ikke var særlig god til det. Men jeg ville prøve.

Og jeg har lyst til at prøve igen.

Orsi har ført os gennem en god proces. Den var vel forberedt, og dermed overskuelig for mig som deltager. Vi fik også super kursusmateriale, så vi selv kan fortsætte arbejdet.

A. Grunwald